Change Your Thinking Transform Your Life
I'm sure you've said this statement to yourself at least once in your life, "I wish I knew then what I know now" This statement is connected to your growth. Our initial experiences in life come from nurturing. As we age, our routines and behaviors are molded through interactions with nature and social and cultural experiences. Understanding that our behavior is a product of our environment, we can create and formulate new ones, especially if we desire different results or outcomes. Creating positive changes in our lives requires new thoughts and habits. To do so, we must use emotions and logic. Changing your thinking and transforming your life is about understanding your behaviors. And this is no easy task. Like the Sun, our mind fires thoughts from our inner core to the outside world. The Sun is a Star; composed of Helium and Hydrogen gases. Through a process of nuclear fusion, these gases create energy. We experience the effects of this energy in the form of heat and light. Our solar system needs the Sun. Without which, our life here on planet Earth will cease. The same can be said of our minds. Our thoughts fuse at higher frequencies and energies. And we experience them through emotions, routines, and behaviors. Hence our personality traits, characters, and predictable behavioral patterns.
Therefore, we must interrupt our thinking process to create new routines and behaviors. Our conscious mind is active while we wake and control our actions based on predetermined patterns of behavior embedded in our subconscious mind. For example, we don't keep count of how many times we blink, and we can chew gum and walk simultaneously. We learn a new skill with intense, focused repetitive steps. But once that new skill is memorized, it becomes routine. And this routine forms a habit. Our subconscious mind embeds this habit as a behavior making it our second nature. Think about driving; for example, once we've learned how to drive, we are likely to perform the exercise without consciously thinking about it. We can drive while talking on the phone, 'don't do it, eat a happy meal, and sing along to our favorite tunes until we arrive at our destinations.
Our mind is wired to learn and form new habits. When seeking change, we must recognize the need to question our minds by evaluating our actions and proclivities. Unfortunately, most do not seek change until it's too late. And that explains addictive behaviors perfectly. Are you experiencing frustration, discouragement, and failure? It would help if you transformed your mind using emotions and logic. Fear triggers negative emotions, while motivation triggers positive emotions. This book discusses strategies to visualize, practice mindfulness, journal, affirm, attract, create, manifest, and form new habits. Change your thinking, transform your life.