Morgan Battley writes with deep conviction, passionately delightful, and spiritually awake. He awakens the giants of history wishing to be buried by some. Yet, through his eyes, we can see how the 60s and the impact of the Civil Rights Movement had an on people of Color in the United States of America. A survivor of sexual assault, child abuse, manic depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Morgan leads us into the eyes of the abyss no one dares to talk about. He chronicles, like non-other, his experiences of segregation, illiteracy, and poverty in the American South.
Morgan’s struggles, while persistent in nature, he is able to mount up an insurmountable fight. Against all odds, he overcomes poverty and illiteracy and heals from emotional wounds. He, therefore, archives for many to come through his book “ The Light,” which uncovers the ugly truth behind a leadership that fought and won some battles while lost in others in pursuit of social justice for people of color.
Mr. Battley has championed and offered great insights on bridging the racial divide, amending Policing by decriminalizing all drug offenses, and adding mental and social health professionals to police departments across America. Hence, drug offenses are “ a Medical condition needing Treatment and NOT a Criminal Offense.” The Light makes vision possible and removes darkness. For God, said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his Light shine in our hearts to give us the Light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6.
Love is more than a feeling that comes and goes. Love is an eternal flame that burns within each human soul. “The Light” reflects an eternal flame in the soul of the writer “Morgan Battley.”