I swiped the magnetic key, entered the office, placed my hot cup of coffee on the desk, sat down and just stared at the pile of documents awaiting my action. As I turned ON my laptop, and for over a year now, this question, “Is this all there is to my life?” Had been bothering me. I was chilled by the second, central air worked my nerves. And just like that I decided to quit my job. Time was up. See I had witnessed, job layoffs, my colleagues walked out, the axe fell on them. I even helped them walk out. They had nothing but a box with a few personal items. Treated like criminals, watched over by security guards. Grown men and women, I had come to call friends. And now, were nothing more than intruders. Unwanted Baggage. The pity, sorrow on their faces, ate me. I could see my bosses through the glass doors. Acted like they didn’t see them at all, fake smiles, chit chats about families on breaks was just a façade. The ones walked out had no retirement, savings, and no side hustle. Extra-work load was falling on us who remained. Pay would not increase, but we were told to be grateful we kept our jobs. Tough times had befallen corporate America. Foreclosures everywhere. In my mind, I knew that I could do something different. I was scared and afraid, but was not going to lay my neck on the chopping block and cross my fingers. Yes, I quit.
My new life started with nothing but a $ 400 laptop, a classic Volvo that cranked only when I begged, and a daily $ 2 Starbucks coffee, “the small one,” and free-water with ice. I read, and read some more. Then I stumbled across a brilliant Idea about counterintuitive thinking. Upon researching it, I found out that entrepreneurs, inventors, scientists, bankers and the powerful, have been thinking this way all along. Where had I been? I changed everything. I dumped my suites. I wore T-shirts and Jeans, sandals and every now and then, a light jacket. Drove to the coffee-shop one route, returned home on another. I changed my phone number, stopped watching television, didn't read news instead, I focused on becoming new. In less than 10 years, I own several businesses, “Read About the Author-Section,” I now determine, when to get up, what to eat and who I talk with. So here is why you need to read this book;
The gap between The Rich & The Poor has widened, we elect politicians from the same families or mindsets over and over-nothing changes, we’ve become Consumers rather than Creators, we’re a debt driven society, living today on tomorrow's wages, hardly any savings.
Retirement is no longer an option. We'll work till death.
Racial, Religious and Cultural conflicts, have intensified.
In relationships, we prefer speed dating, one-night stands and or live-in partners. Marriage is archaic and Divorce is in.
Narcissism and Self-Seeking, has risen from the dead. A Selfie nation without a conscious. People hardly sacrifice for the greater good unless of course, they benefit directly. The insurgence of Social Media, fake news, get rich-quick schemes, have amplified a microwave mentality of working less and expecting more.
To succeed, you must face your fears. The only way to do so, you must be Counterintuitive. This book, walks you through the process. And you’ll be glad you did. Had I listened to status quo, I would’ve been advised not to quit a good paying job and start over. Bold & Daring measures is what we need. Take small steps, but make them bold and daring. You’ll attract money, friendships, business opportunities and new love.