LESSONS LEARNED from The Kings of Judah and Israel
People will normally follow leaders who direct them toward achieving desirable objectives. Godly leaders are expected to use their spiritual gifts to direct followers to a desirable objective. People who love and respect godly leaders willfollow their leaders if the leaders will effectively communicate their plan to reach a goal or to accomplish a mission.People who love and respect God normally follow leaders who give them a compelling reason to reach their goals. When leaders are obedient to God and embrace the truth of God, those who follow godly leadership will be blessed.Leaders must know and appreciate the contributions that followers make in reaching their goals. When leaders value those who work with them, sacrifice, and follow them, the mission will be accomplished with fewer problems. Withfaith in God, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, leaders are prepared for greater works.We can learn Biblical models of leadership from some of the Kings of Judah and Israel. We must follow the instructions of God in order to maintain our integrity and sense of purpose. We must not give in to the devices that will hinder our spiritual growth and lead us into bondage. We cannot afford to live in fear and be misled by those who are not willing to submit to the will of God. Although not every person in Israel and Judah disobeyed God, the nations, communities, and families were affected. Some were even carried away into captivity. All of the people were affected by the sins of the leaders and thosewho followed them. Although we might not participate in a particular sin, we can still be affected by those who do. We must speak out against sin and we must be willing to submit to God despite the crowd or positions we hold. I agree with the German Theologian, author, and great leader, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who wrote the book, The Cost of Discipleship 1, when he said,"We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God." Whatever path or career we have chosen, we must be willing to abandon it if God is calling us to do something different that will bring Him glory, build people up and have a positive impact on our communities. I agree with John Maxwell, who said, "Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another." Although we start dreaming about our future at an early age, many of us change our career path several times before we find our passion. However, not many of us realize early that it takes a special person to be an effective leader. I believe some of the keys to becoming an effective leader are integrity, vision, compassion, faith, sacrifice, commitment, unity, patience, endurance, passion, prayer, favor, humility, studying the Word of God and relying on the Holy Spirit.