When My Father Left, I Lost My Sight: The Silent Cry of a Little Girl
WHEN MY FATHER LEFT, I LOST MY SIGHT is a story of a girl, born to teenage parents. She must learn to deal with the impact and harsh realities of a single parent household, while navigating deep emotional and psychological deprivations caused by an absentee father. This trauma causes her to endure, perilous circumstances while seeking solace in the cruelty of emotionally manipulative relationships and suffers the same consequences of what seems to be an entrapment of a painful vicious cycle with no end in sight. This story for once, sheds light on the silent cries of little girls whose only fault is looking for a father that never was. Pain reflects deferred hope that life can be an enjoyable event. We are born to experience both happiness and sadness. Simply put, it’s unfair to be denied the happiness as a child from a father in whom the very idea of protection and provision is shaped in the innocence of a little girl’s eyes.